Vernier Energy Sensor

470116-632EA 98.99 USD
Vernier Energy Sensor
Electrodes Other Electrodes
Easily quantify voltage, current, power, and energy output of small wind turbines and solar panels.

  • Wired connection with BTA plug
Setting up a circuit to study renewable energy systems such as wind turbines or solar panels is easy with the Vernier Energy Sensor. Simply connect a source such as a small wind turbine or solar panel to one side and a load such as the Variable Load or a resistor on Vernier Resistor Board to the other side.

The Energy Sensor measures the current and voltage of the system. Data-collection and analysis software, such as Logger Pro or LabQuest® app can then calculate the power and energy output.

Ordering information: LabQuest® (2, 3, Mini) interface is required but not included.