Determine the Amino Acid Sequence Kit

470144-308CS 3069.9 USD
Determine the Amino Acid Sequence Kit
Educational Materials Chemistry Educational Materials Acids and Bases Learning Activities
This kit determines the amino acid sequence of a tripeptide isolated from a protein hydrolysate.

  • Students Determine the Chain Length of Peptide by Formol Titration
  • Amino Acid-Focused Kit
  • Activities Demonstrate how Chromatographic Techniques Determine Rf Values
  • Required Materials Included
With this kit, students determine the chain length of the peptide by formol titration and identify the amino acid content and composition of the tripeptide by using chromatographic techniques to determine Rf values.

Students also identify the N-terminal and C-terminal residues using solvent extraction, enzymatic digestion, and chromatographic techniques.

Ordering information: This kit includes a spray bottle, glass vials, ammonium sulfate, acetone solution, glacial acetic acid solution, lead acetate solution, sodium hydroxide, albumin, casein, and gelatin.