Analogue to Digital Convertor
Educational Materials
Physics Educational Materials
Electricity/Magnetism Learning Activities
Demonstrates basis of digital communications.
- Converts analog signal to a binary digital output
- Great for demonstrating the basis of digital communications
- Companion apparatus to the labs digital to analog converter
An excellent system for demonstrating the basis of digital communications. An analogue input in the range 0 to 7 V is converted to a binary digital output in 1 V steps (i.e. 1 V is represented by 001, 2 V by 010, etc.). A switch converts the unit to 0 to 2 V sensitivity so that low frequency sine waves from a signal generator can be digitized. The binary output is available at 4 mm sockets for use with the companion Labs Digital to Analog Converter (PH1367). A 12 V DC input is required from a separate power supply.