Super Erecta® Convenience Pak™ Shelving Systems, Metro™

Super Erecta®
EZ2460BR-4 EZ2436BR-4 EZ2448BR-4
470116-720EA 699.2 USD
470116-720 470116-722 470116-718
Super Erecta® Convenience Pak™ Shelving Systems, Metro™
Furniture Shelves
The Convenience Pak™ shelving sytem provides a complete shelving unit in a single box.

  • Fast secure assembly
  • Shelf ribs and shelf accessibility
  • Durable constuction and adjustability with adustable feet
It is the easy-to-order alternative to separate shelving components.

Delivery information: Each pack includes four shelves with split sleeves and four split posts with threaded connectors and leveling feet.