
#130 WARD470092-498 HWBL19 426306 BA2S/24 3484-46 601350 STBL19 3L-49/1290-P BA3S/24 2931400 BA4/310 GA38 WARD470352-174 2978100 2048500 WARD470352-172 BA1S/36 IN-5/857 5101N
470304-890CS 177.65 USD
470092-592 470150-928 470304-890 470019-401 470006-314 470350-636 470092-856 470211-262 470173-904 470211-260 470153-544 470231-592 470352-172 470150-446 470137-698 470137-644 470092-498 470211-258 470003-348 470352-174
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Mechanics Learning Activities
Useful for collision and pendulum experiments.

A must have in any physics classroom or laboratory.