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Middle School Science with Vernier

470017-668EA 51.99 USD InStock
Middle School Science with Vernier
Educational Materials Physics Educational Materials Physics Fundamentals Learning Activities
Experiments cover Earth Science, Life Science and Physical Science

Cover curriculum spanning several middle school topics such as mechanics, sound, light, electricity and magnetism through 38 experiments utilizing your Vernier probeware. These experiments are perfect for introductory physical science and integrated science classes. This comprehensive lab book features a materials list, step-by-step instructions, data tables, and questions for each activity. A teacher's information section also provides complete directions for setting up experiments, helpful hints, and sample graphs and data. Additionally, a CD accompanies the book with word-processing files of the student sections that can be easily edited to your specifications plus instructions to perform the experiments on every supported platform -computer, LabQuest, calculator, and Palm handheld.



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