Ward's® Pigmented Bacteria Set

WARD470179-324 WARD470177-260
470177-260KT 48.95 USD
470179-324 470177-260
Ward's® Pigmented Bacteria Set
Specimens Live Specimens Bacteria - Living Material
Certain strains of bacteria have their own pigments, creating a rainbow of different natural colors. This set includes bacterial cultures with a variety of different colors.

  • Available in culture tubes
  • Available as freeze-dried cultures with media for rehydration
Cultures: Kocuria rhizophila (yellow), Kocuria roseus (rose), Sarcina aurantiaca (orange), Serratia marcescens (pink-red).

Ordering information: These products contain living or perishable materials. Please specify a delivery date. Bacterial and fungal cultures are restricted and can only be ordered by educational and research professionals. Ward's Science is not affiliated with the American Type Culture Collection and does not provide corresponding ATCC numbers for our organisms.